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Vietnam visa requirement for Kiribati

KIRIBATI: Gilbert Group (The Gilbert Group of Kiribati)

Islands: Abaiang, Abemama, Aranuka, Arorae, Banaba (Ocean Island), Beru, Butaritari, Kuria, Maiana, Makin, Marakei, Nikunau, Nonouti, North Tabiteuea, North Tarawa, Onotoa, South Tabiteuea, South Tarawa (Teinainano), Tamana

Principal Villages: Betio, Bikenibeu, Teaoraereke, Bairiki

Villages: Ambo (South Tarawa), Bairiki (South Tarawa), Bakaka (Tamana), Banraeaba (South Tarawa), Betio (South Tarawa), Bikenibeu (South Tarawa), Bonriki (South Tarawa), Buariki (South Tabiteuea), Buota (North Tarawa), Causeway (South Tarawa), Eita (South Tarawa), Eita (North Tabiteuea), Kuuma (Butaritari), Makin, Rawannawi (Marakei), Roreti (Arorae), Rungata (Nikunau), Tabiang (Beru), Tabiang (Abemama), Teaoraereke (South Tarawa), Temwaiku (South Tarawa), Tuarabu (Abaiang)


Vietnam visa requirement for Kiribati

If you are a Kiribati citizen looking to visit Vietnam in the near future, you will need a visa in order to enter Vietnam. As such, there are two ways by which you can acquire a Vietnam visa in Kiribati. Here is each of these two ways explained in details:

1. Vietnam visa from a Vietnam embassy or Vietnam consulate.

Currently, there is no Vietnam embassy in Kiribati and so applicants from this country will have to find the nearest Vietnam embassy from neighboring countries for more information on the visa application procedures and all that is required of them. Alternatively, they can buy the visa by post option, which does not require them to present themselves in person at the Vietnam embassy. However, the visa by post requires applicants to make prior confirmation with the embassy to find out if the service is available there and also because visa application procedures differ across embassies.

2. Apply online for the approval letter to:

a) Acquire your visa at a Vietnam international airport (this service is only available to air travelers)

This procedure entails the following steps:

- Visit our website online and fill in the visa application form available there

- Clear the service fees as required of you and follow our instructions

- Obtain an approval letter from us by email in 48 working hours.

- Present your approval letter, your passport and your two passport photos at any of the three international airports in Vietnam (Tan Son Nhat in Ho Chi Minh city, Noi Bai in Hanoi City, Cam Ranh in Nha Trang city and Da Nang in Da Nang city), and pay the visa stamping fee to get issued your visa to Vietnam.

b) Obtain your Vietnam visa at a Vietnam embassy/consulate you choose in your application form.

 This procedure entails the following steps.

- Visit our website online and fill in the visa application form with all necessary details.

- Clear the payments with us as guided by our instructions (service fees)

- Obtain an approval letter from us via your email within 48 business hours.

- Present your approval letter, your passport and two of your passport-size photos at the Vietnam embassy to get issued with your Vietnam visa, but after clearing the visa stamping fees.

Note: Conditions to get Vietnam visa:

    - Your passport must be valid and one that you acquired over six months ago.
    - Your two passport-size photos must be most recent, having been taken within six months.
    - Your information provided in your approval letter must be same as that in your passport.

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How to get Vietnam visa in Ugandans


• Complete Name: Republic of Uganda
• Native Name: Uganda
• ISO-Code: UGA

• Capital: Kampala

Vietnam visa requirement for Ugandans

As a Ugandan citizen who might be planning to tour Vietnam in the near future, it is important that you acquire a Vietnam visa or at least learn how to acquire one. Here is all information you may need for you introduction to the Vietnam visa application. There are two main ways by which you can apply for the Vietnam visa:

- Directly from the Vietnam embassy
- Through our services online

1. How to directly apply for the Vietnam visa from the Vietnam embassy/consulate as a Ugandan.

As a Ugandan wishing to apply for the Vietnam visa you have to search for a Vietnam embassy from surrounding countries since Uganda currently does not have a Vietnam embassy/consulate. You may also wish to apply by some other more convenient option, which is the visa by post option. This way you only need to confirm with the respective embassy to find out if they offer the service there.

2. How to apply for our Vietnam visa online through our services.

We present you with a website via which you can apply for your Vietnam visa. Once you forward your application online to us, we will provide you with a letter of approval, which you will present at the Vietnam embassy or the Vietnam airport with other documents to collect your Vietnam visa. Below are the procedures involved in these two ways of visa application.

The visa on arrival procedure is expedited and takes only two days to process, which is less in three days compared to the direct visa application procedure. You are also allowed to use this service during holidays and on weekends as our platform is accessible via the internet.

a) Get your visa at a Vietnam international airport with your letter of approval from us (this service is for air travel only)

- Fill in the visa application form you find at our website
- Complete payments with us as guided by our instructions

- Get the letter of approval from us by email in 48 working hours.
- Present your letter of approval, your passport and your two passport-size photos at one of the Vietnam international airports (Tan Son Nhat (SGN), Noi Bai (HAN), Da Nang (DAD), Cam Ranh (CXR), Phu Quoc (PQC), ……), and pay the visa stamping fee so you finally receive your Vietnam visa.

b) Get your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam embassy/consulate you choose in your application form.

- Complete the visa application form available at our website.

- Clear the service fees with us as per our instructions

- Receive the letter of approval in your email as sent by us within 48 working yours

- Present your passport, your two passport photos and your letter of approval at the Vietnam embassy/consulate you chose in your application form and clear the visa stamping fees before you collect your visa right there.

Note: Conditions to get Vietnam visa:

o You must present two of your most recent passport photos, taken within the last 6 months

o You must have a valid passport, one that you acquired over six months ago.

o The information found in your letter of approval must be exactly as that in your passport.

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How to get Vietnam visa for Anguillan citizens


• Native Name: Anguilla

• ISO-Code: AIA
• Dependent from: Great Britain and Northern Ireland

• Capital: The Valley

As an Anguillan citizen you need a Vietnam visa in order for you to enter Vietnam. You can apply for your Vietnam visa in two main ways:

• By direct application to the Vietnam embassy in the surrounding countries

• By applying online via an agent

The direct application procedure for the Vietnam visa

You can directly apply for the Vietnam visa from a Vietnam embassy/consulate by visiting the Vietnam embassy in person there. Since Anguilla currently doesn’t have a Vietnam embassy/consulate, you will have to find the nearest Vietnam embassy to apply from.

Before settling for any Vietnam embassy you find, be sure you have contacted a number of them and acquired enough instructions on how to undertake the procedure. By contacting various Vietnam embassies you will be informed on the varying procedures across all.

If however the direct application procedure seems time consuming, tedious and obstructive to your daily routine, you may opt for the online application procedure via an online agent. Below is a step by step guide on how to apply for your Vietnam visa online

Online application procedure for the Vietnam visa

When you are applying for your Vietnam visa online, you need to visit our site and fill in the visa application form there. We will then charge you a slight visa application fee and send you a letter of approval via email within 48 working hours, with which you will acquire your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam international airport or from a Vietnam embassy.

How to collect your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam international airport

There are international airports in Vietnam namely: from where you can claim your Vietnam visa. Upon boarding a plane to Vietnam, you will produce your letter of approval in print form and also on your arrival to the Vietnam international airport. You then walk straight to the ‘landing visa office’ where it will be stamped on your passport. Other documents you will need are two passport photos and a passport document. It is at the visa landing office that you will pay a slight visa stamping fee and immediately get served with your Vietnam visa right there. Note that you can only collect your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam international airport if you travel by air.

How to collect your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam embassy/consulate you chose in your visa application form.

The letter of approval you get from us by email should be printed out to hardcopy and presented at the particular Vietnam embassy you chose in your visa application form online. You will also provide two passport photos and a passport document along with it. Finally you will pay a slight visa stamping fee so you can be served with your Vietnam visa right away.

Points to note:

• When applying for the Vietnam visa on our website you will need to provide valid information.

• The two passport photos you present should be ones you have taken within the last six months.

• Only valid passports that were acquired over six months ago should be presented.

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Vietnam visa requirement for Kazakhstanis


    - Complete Name: Republic of Kazakhstan
    - Native Name: Qazaqstan
    - ISO-Code: KAZ
    - Capital: Astana (Celinograd, Aqmola)
Provinces: Almaty, Almaty Qalasy, Aqmola, Aqtôbe, Astana Qalasy, Atyrau, Batys Qazaqstan [Western Kazakhstan], Maṇġystau, Oṇtùstìk Qazaqstan [Southern Kazakhstan], Pavlodar, Qaraġandy, Qostanaj, Qyzylorda, Soltùstìk Qazaqstan [Northern Kazakhstan], Šyġys Qazaqstan [Eastern Kazakhstan], Žambyl

Principal Cities: Almaty [Alma-Ata], Astana (Celinograd, Aqmola), Šymkent, Qaraġandy (Karaganda), Aqtôbe (Akt’ubinsk), Taraz (Dzambul, Auliye-Ata), Pavlodar, Ôskemen (Ust’-Kamenogorsk), Semej (Semipalatinsk), Qostanaj (Kustanaj), Oral (Ural’sk), Petropavl (Petropavlovsk)

Cities & Settlements: Abaj, Ajagôz, Äjteke bi (Novokazalinsk), Alġa, Almaty [Alma-Ata], Aqsaj, Aqsu, Aqsu, Aqtau (Ševcenko), Aqtôbe (Akt’ubinsk), Aral, Arqalyq (Arkalyk), Arys, Astana (Celinograd, Aqmola), Atbasar, Atyrau (Gurjev), Bajqoṇyr (Bajkonyr, Leninsk) [Baikonur], Balqaš (Balchaš), Boraldaj, Chromtau, Ekìbastūz, Esìk, Kentau, Kôkšetau (Kokčetav), Leṇgir, Lisakovsk, Makinsk, Mankent, Oral (Ural’sk), Ôskemen (Ust’-Kamenogorsk), Ôtegen batyr (Ênergetičeskij), Pavlodar, Petropavl (Petropavlovsk), Qandyaġaš (Oktjabr’sk), Qapšaġaj, Qarabūlaq, Qaraġandy (Karaganda), Qaratau, Qarġaly, Qaskeleṇ, Qordaj, Qostanaj (Kustanaj), Qūlsary, Qyzylorda (Kzyl-Orda), Ridder (Leninogorsk), Rudnyj, Šachtinsk, Sajram, Šalqar, Saran, Šardara, Sarqant, Saryaġaš, Sarykemer, Sätbaev (Nikol’skij, Satpajev), Ščučinsk (Shchoche), Šelek, Semej (Semipalatinsk), Šemonajcha, Šielì, Stepnogor, Šu, Šymkent, Taldyqorġan (Taldy-Kurgan), Talġar, Taraz (Dzambul, Auliye-Ata), Tasbôget, Tekelì, Temìrtau, Tôle bi, Tùrkìstan, Ùštôbe, Ūzynaġaš, Začagansk, Žaṇaôzen (Novyj Uzen’), Žaṇaqorġan, Žaṇatas, Žarkent (Panfilov), Zatobol’sk, Žetìsaj, Žezqazġan (Dzezkazgan), Žìtìqara, Žosaly, Zyr’anovsk


Vietnam visa requirement for Kazakhstanis

It is our pleasure to inform you that you as a Kazakhstani citizen you need a Vietnam visa to enter Vietnam. We also help you acquire the Vietnam visa conveniently through our services online. Below are two ways in which you can acquire a Vietnam visa as a Kazakhstani.

1.Get your Vietnam visa through a Vietnam embassy/consulate.

Kazakhstanis can always contact the Vietnam embassy during business hours to get more information on what is required of them by the visa application processes. They can choose between email and telephone when contacting the Vietnam embassy. It is also OK for them to present themselves in person at the Vietnam embassy just to get more information on the visa application procedures.

Below are the contacts you can always use to contact the Vietnam embassy in Kazakhstan.

    - Address: “Arman” Business Center, 6 Sary-Arkastreet, Astana, R. Kazakhstan - Telephone: + 7 (7172) 66 03 75
    - Fax: + 7 (7172) 66 03 79
    - Email: vnemb.kz@mofa.gov.vn
    - Website: www.mofa.gov.vn/vnemb.kz
2.Online application for the letter of approval to:

a)Acquire your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam international airport

This procedure entails the following steps:

- Visit our website online to get the visa application form, fill it in and submit online
- Clear the service fees as required while following our instructions.
- Receive the letter of approval from us by email

- Present your letter of approval, your passport and two of your passport photos at the one of the three Vietnam international airports (Tan Son Nhat in Ho Chi Minh city, Noi Bai in Hanoi City, Cam Ranh in Nha Trang city and Da Nang in Da Nang city), and then clear the visa stamping fees to collect your visa right away.

b)Acquire your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam embassy/consulate of your choice in the application form.

This procedure entails the following steps:

- Visit our website and fill in the visa application form while following our instructions

- Clear the service fees and follow our instructions correctly.

- Get the letter of approval from us by email within 48 work hours.

- Present your letter of approval, your 2 most recent passport photos and your passport document at the Vietnam embassy you chose in your application form. Finally pay the visa stamping fees to get issued your visa.

Note: Conditions to get Vietnam visa:
    - You must have a valid passport that you acquired more than six months ago - You must present two passport photos taken within six months. - Your information in your letter of approval must relate to that in your passport.
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Vietnam embassy in Guinea-Bissau

    - Complete Name: Republic of Guinea-Bissau
    - Native Name: Guiné-Bissau
    - ISO-Code: GNB
    - Capital: Bissau
There is no embassy of Vietnam in Republic of Guinea-Bissau.

All Guinea Bissau citizens need a Vietnam visa in order for them to access the Vietnam. They can choose any of the following two application procedures to acquire their Vietnam visas:

    - A direct application procedure to the Vietnam embassy
    - Online application through our website
1. Direct application procedure for the Vietnam visa

When applying for the Vietnam visa as a Guinea Bissau citizen, you have to find the nearest Vietnam embassy since Guinea Bissau does not have one yet. You need to find a list of Vietnam embassies so you can choose your favorite from there. It is strongly advised that you first communicate to the Vietnam embassies by phone or by email so you familiarize yourself with their application procedures and requirements as well as their associated fees for the entire process.

When applying for the Vietnam visa, applicants have to choose between visiting the Vietnam embassy in person and using the visa by post service. The visa by post service does not require your physical presence at the Vietnam embassy. However, it is not available in all embassies. You then have to confirm with your favorite embassy before trying the option.

2. Vietnam visa by online application procedure

With the online application procedure, you have to visit our website and meet the requirements. Here is a guide on how the process goes:

i. Obtain the necessary documents

    - Have a valid visa
    - Have two passport photos of yourself
ii. Visit our website and start the application

    - Fill in the visa application fees form at our website
    - Clear the service fees with us and follow our instructions
    - Wait for the letter of approval from us by email in 48 working hours
iii. Complete the visa application procedure

    - Visit the Vietnam embassy or the Vietnam international airport with your passport, your letter of approval and your passport photos.
    - Clear the visa stamping fees as required of you by us
    - Wait to be served with your letter of approval right there.
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Vietnam visa requirement for South African

    - Complete Name: Republic of South Africa
    - Native Name: South Africa, Suid-Afrika
    - ISO-Code: ZAF
    - Capital: Pretoria / Cape Town
Provinces: Eastern Cape, Free State (Oranje Free State), Gauteng, KwaZulu – Natal, Limpopo (Northern Transvaal), Mpumalanga (Eastern Transvaal), Northern Cape, North West, Western Cape

Principal Urban Areas: Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Soweto, Port Elizabeth, Pietermaritzburg, Benoni, Vereeniging, Bloemfontein


Vietnam visa requirement for South African

It is advisable that every South African citizen should have a Vietnam visa to enter Vietnam.

How to get Vietnam visa in South Africa?

South Africans have 2 options for you to get visa to Vietnam:

1. Get your Vietnam visa at a Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate:
It is very important to contact the Vietnam Embassy in your country by telephone, email, or going there in person to get instructions about the visa fee and the procedure of getting the visa.

We are delighted to give you the contact information of the Vietnam embassy in South Africa as follow:

Embassy of Vietnam in Pretoria, South Africa
    - Address: 87 Brooks Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, South Africa
    - P.O. Box Hatfield 0028
    - Telephone: + 27 (0) 12 362 8119
    - Fax: + 27 (0) 12 362 8115
    - Email: embassy@vietnam.co.za or dsqvnnamphi@yahoo.com.vn
    - Website: www.vietnamembassy-southafrica.org
2. Apply online to obtain an approval letter to:

a. Get your Vietnam visa at a Vietnam international airport (this service is for air travel only).

The procedure of getting this visa is as follow:

- Fill in your visa application form on our website.
- Make your payment as per our directions (service fee).
- Your approval letter will be ready in your inbox within 48 working hours.

- Bring the letter with you, your 2 passport size photos and passport to your arrival airport in Vietnam (Cam Ranh, Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai, Da Nang). The final process it to pay stamping fee for you to get your visa.

b. Get your Vietnam visa at any Vietnam embassy/consulate you chose in your application form.

The procedure of getting embassy visa is as below:

- Fill in the visa application form at our site.

- Complete the payment process as per our instructions.

- Check your inbox within 48 working hours for your approval letter.

- Remember to carry your passport, approval letter and two pass port size photos to the Vietnam embassy, and pay stamping charges and get your visa directly there.

Note: Conditions to get Vietnam visa:
    - Your passport should be valid for at least six months.
    - Your passport sized photos should be taken within the last six months.
    - All the information in the passport and the information in your approval letter must be the same.

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Vietnam embassy in Spain

    - Complete Name: Kingdom of Spain
    - Native Name: España
    - ISO-Code: ESP
    - Capital: Madrid
Below are contacts to the Vietnam embassy in Spain

Vietnam Embajada en Madrid, España

    - C/ Segre, 5, 28002 MADRID – ESPAÑA
    - Telephone: 0034 91 5102867 – Fax: 0034 91 4157067
    - Website: www.embavietnam-madrid.org
Consulado General de Vietnam en Canarias, España

    - PaseoMilicias de Garachico, 5 – (Edificio Plaza San Francisco, Oficina 4)
    - 38002 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
    - Telephone/Fax: 0034 922 275 224
    - Website: www.vietnamembassy.es
As a Spain citizen you can now apply for the Vietnam visa from the Vietnam embassy in Spain anytime during business hours. When finding information about the visa application procedure, Spain citizens should first contact the embassy of Vietnam in Spain by phone or by email to get instructions on how to conduct the procedure.

2. Online application procedure for the Vietnam visa

The Vietnam visa can also be acquired by online application through our website. The visa applicant has to visit our website online and fill in the visa application form found there with correct details. Each individual visa applicant will receive the letter of approval by email in 48 working hours from the time they complete their visa application on our website. The received letter of approval is to be printed out in hardcopy for presentation at the Vietnam embassy or at the Vietnam international airport.

Applicants will then present their letter of approval at one of the three international airports in Vietnam or at the particular Vietnam embassy they chose in their visa application form. Finally, the Vietnam visa applicants will get their Vietnam visas right away upon paying the slight visa stamping fee.

Conditions for applying for the Vietnam visa online

    - You must have two passport photos you took most recently and which clearly show your face.
    - You must have a valid passport that you acquired over six months ago
    - Only air travel applicants are allowed to access the three Vietnam international airports to acquire their Vietnam visas. The other applicants will have to present them at the particular Vietnam embassy they chose in their application forms.
Point to note

These are the three international airports in Vietnam where air travel applicants collect their Vietnam visas: Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai, Cam Ranh and Da Nang…

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Vietnamese Visas for Canadians

Citizens of Canada must be in possession of a visa to enter Vietnam. Vietnamese Visas for Canadians should be obtained prior to arrival. So that, You can apply visas to enter by the country through Vietnam embassy or consulate nearly of your location.

Otherwise, Visa on arrival or E-visa ( Electronic visa application) are available for Canadians. All kind of visas for single visa and multiples entries visas, It should be 1 month single or multiples entries visas, 3 month single or multiples entries visas, and 6 months multiple entries visas available as well through online visa services.

Extensions can be obtained from the Vietnam Immigration Department in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City or, for a fee, from some local travel agencies and tour companies. For more information about Vietnam visa Extension, please contact : evisavn1@gmail.com

A visa may be issued on arrival in emergency situations, Urgent or Rush visa requested can be done in 1 or 2 hours (24/7) through visas online services or E-visas.

Vietnamese visas in expired Canadian passports are no longer valid. The visa needs to be transferred to the new passport.

- Tourist visa: Required
- Business visa: Required
- Student visa: Required
Vietnamese Visas for Canadians Registration

All Travellers must register with the local police upon arrival, even if staying with relatives. Hotel guests are automatically registered.
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Vietnam embassy in Guinea

- Complete Name: Republic of Guinea
- Native Name: Guinée
- ISO-Code: GIN
- Capital: Conakry
There is no embassy of Vietnam in Republic of Guinea.

If you are a Guinea citizen and need to apply for the Vietnam visa for your next visit to Vietnam, here are two procedures you will have to choose from and all instructions that pertain to each of them when applying for the Vietnam visa:

- Direct application procedure for the Vietnam visa at the Vietnam embassy.
- Online application for the Vietnam visa through our services

1. Direct application fir the Vietnam visa.
As a guinea citizen, you have to find the nearest Vietnam embassies to apply from since currently guinea do not have one. The best approach into it is to contact all embassies in your candidate list so you can know which one exactly offers friendly terms and application procedures as they all vary from each other.

For the actual application procedure, applicants can choose between presenting themselves at the Vietnam embassy and going by the visa by post service. However not all Vietnam embassies offer the visa by post service.

2. Online application for the Vietnam visa through our site.
In order to get a Vietnam visa by online application, candidates have to visit our site and initialize their visa processing from there. The first thing is to ensure you meet our requirements. Next you will have to complete the set steps before you finally acquire your Vietnam visa.

i. Prepare these two documents:
- A valid passport of yours that is more than six months old
- Two passport photographs of yourself

ii. Apply for the letter of approval from us:
- Visit our website online and fill in the visa application forms there
- Complete the payments for visa service fees with us
- Get your letter of approval from us by email in 48 working hours

iii. Use your letter of approval to claim your Vietnam visa
- Visit the Vietnam embassy or any of the three international airports in Vietnam with your passport, you letter of approval and two of your passport photos.
- Clear the visa stamping fees with us
- Get served with your Vietnam visa right there.
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Vietnam embassy in Martinique

- Native Name: Martinique
- ISO-Code: MTQ
- Dependent from: France
- Capital: Fort-de-France
There is no Vietnam embassy in Martinique.

As a Martinique citizen visiting Vietnam, you need to have a Vietnam visa. You can apply for one from a Vietnam embassy or from our services online. However, there is no Vietnam embassy/consulate in Martinique hence applicants to the Vietnam visas here have to find the nearest embassies to apply from. As such, online visa application procedure feels more convenient.  Here is how the process goes about:

Applicants have to visit our website and find the visa application form there. The application form is to be filled in with accurate and valid information about the individual applicant. They are then required to pay the visa service fees on the same website before they are issued a letter of approval by email within 48 working hours.

The letter of approval should be presented to the Vietnam embassy that one specified in their visa application form or at the Vietnam international airport if they are applicants by air travel. While there they will need to present their letter of approval acquired from us, their two passport photos and their valid passport documents. Applicants should then pay the visa stamping fees immediately there in order to get their Vietnam visas.

For more information or clarification on any point with regards to the visa application form, be sure to contact us through: evisavn1@gmail.com. We will appreciate your efforts in helping us understand our clients in an effort to better our services.

Terms and conditions:

Applicants should present valid passports that were acquired over six months ago. Their two passport photos should be among the most recent taken within the last six months.

Applicants collect their Vietnam visas from any of these three Vietnam international airports: only if they are air travel passengers. The Vietnam visas are issued to applicants who pass the validation tests and complete all steps successfully.

One should offer valid information in the visa application form else they risk having their visas canceled.

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Vietnam embassy in Solomon Islands

Vietnam embassy in Solomon Islands
  • Native Name: Solomon Islands
  • ISO-Code: SLB
  • Capital: Honiara
Sorry, we would like to inform that there is no Vietnam embassy in Solomon Islands.

As a legal requirement, Solomon Islands citizens require a Vietnam visa in order for them to tour the inside of Vietnam. Of all the visa application procedures, online application is the simplest and most convenient. It only requires applicants’ valid passport and two copies of their passport photos. With these two vital documents one is set to start their visa applications right away.

Firstly, checkout our website online and locate the visa application form there. As a requirement, applicants are supposed to fill it in with only valid details required from them. At this same website, visa processing payments are cleared according to the set instructions. We will then send all successful visa applicants with us a letter of approval through their email accounts within the next 48 business hours. You are then supposed to produce the letter of approval in hardcopy so it can be presented among other documents at the visa collection points.

When collecting your visa, the letter of approval should be presented to any of the three international airports in Vietnam or at the Vietnam embassy/consulate you chose in your visa application form online. Other documents to be presented along with your letter of approval include your two passport photos and your passport document. You then have to pay the visa stamping fees and wait for your Vietnam visa to be given to you right there.

Terms for applying for the Vietnam visa online

  • The two passport photos presented must be among your most recent ones the applicant took within the last six months.
  • Only air travel visa applicants can acquire their Vietnam visas at any of these three Vietnam international airports namely; Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai, Cam Ranh and Da Nang upon their arrival there. The rest of applicants should collect their Vietnam visas from the Vietnam embassy they specified in their visa application forms online.
  • One must have a valid passport that was acquired more than six months ago.

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Vietnam visa requirement for Vatican City

  • Complete Name: State of Vatican City
  • Native Name: Status Civitatis Vaticanae, Città del Vaticano
  • ISO-Code: VAT
Persons Authorized as Residents : Cardinals, Clergy of the Pontifical Representations, Other Clery, Swiss Guard, Other Lay Persons


Vietnam visa requirement for Vatican City

It is good that we inform you that you are required to have a Vietnam visa for you to enter Vietnam as a Vatican City citizen.

How to get Vietnam visa in Vatican City

There are two major ways in which you can gain your visa to Vietnam.

1. Get a Vietnam visa at a Vietnam embassy or Vietnam consulate

Since there is no Vietnam embassy or consulate in Vanuatu, it is advisable that you search in other countries to find the nearest Vietnam embassy to get in touch with.

If it is so necessary that you come into a Vietnam embassy in person, it is recommended that you apply for a visa by post. But, visa procedures are different from one embassy to another and it is therefore good to contact them earlier to know if you can be given a visa by post.

2. Applying online to obtain a letter of approval to:

a. Get your Vietnam visa at a Vietnam international airport (this service is only for air travel)

The procedure for getting this visa includes:

  • Fill in your application form at our website correctly and appropriately.
  • Make your payments with us according to our instructions (free service).
  • Get your approval letter from our email within the 48working hours
  • Bring the letter, your passport together with your two passport photos to your arrival airport in Vietnam (Tan Son Nhat in Ho Chi Minh city, Noi Bai in Hanoi city, Da Nang in Da Nang city & Cam Ranh in Nha Trang city), pay the stamping fee get your visa immediately.
b. Get your Vietnam visa at any Vietnam embassy/consulate you choose in your application form.

 The procedure of getting the embassy visa includes:

  • Fill in your application to our website completely.

  • Make your payments with us according to our instructions.
  • Get your letter of approval from our email within 48 working hours.
  • Bring the letter of approval, your passport and two passport photos to the Vietnam embassy then pay the stamping fee and get your visa
NOTE: Conditions to get Vietnam’s visa

  • The validity of your passport is at least six months.
  • Your passport sized photos are taken within the last six months.
  • The information in your letter of approval must be the same as that of your passport

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Why Visiting Vietnam should be a thought.

If you are thinking of visiting a foreign and an interesting country, think no more. Vietnam probably is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. There are many reasons why it is worth for visiting Vietnam, but here are the most important reasons.

Easy visa processing: some time back, processing a visa to Vietnam was marred with a lot of rules and regulations. However, all these hassles are long forgotten. The government in bid to promote tourism, through the ministry of immigration, has introduced a new easy and fast way to get a Vietnamese visa within two days. If you belong to Asian countries like Thailand, Singapore and Laos you do not need a visa to enter Vietnam so long as you not staying for more than a month. Multiple and single visa entries applications are available. You may also opt for visa on arrival. This whereby you apply for a Vietnamese visa online and do all your payments online too. After a period of two days you get your approval letter and print it out together with two passport photographs of you, you are seat to go. When you arrive in Vietnam, the airport authorities, very conveniently, will stamp your visa! As long as you land in one of the three international airports, that offers the service.

Wonderful people: in Vietnam, smiling is an asset. Everyone smiling adding more beauty to his or her country. The people are also warm and very welcoming. Their way of life is further deeply rooted to the teachings of Confucius, which are related to good mannerisms like kindness, courtesy. The Vietnamese people seem to have bonded these teachings into their hearts; they follow them to the letter. We live in world of technology, where mobile phones seem to take 90% of our time and most us do not care about the next person. In Vietnam, the people whether they know you or not they will do what they know best, smile at you.

Nice food: it is only in Vietnam that you will find fresh vegetables, freshly picked herbs and fruits. This is to say that their cuisine is very tasty. Seafood in Vietnam is fresh too! At times, it is direct from the source. The French, particularly the use of baguettes, influence most of their foods. Their staple food Pho- , the different types of Banh or cakes and a wide range of Banh mi or breads.  You will not starve in Vietnam.

Affordable: having spent money on air ticket and visa application not to talk of your hotel room, you probably do not want to spend more money lest you run bankrupt. However, life in Vietnam is still affordable. This is despite the fact there are more tourist every year visiting Vietnam. One would think that this would make life be expensive. With as little as 30$ per day, you may get a nice hotel room in the capitals like Ho Chi Minh City as well as Hanoi.

Dazzling Beauty:  among the Asian countries, Vietnam stands out to be more beautiful. It is probably perfect, set apart with serene landscape, beautiful to the eye. One part of the country has beautiful beaches, while the other part has an array of magnificent mountains; which are covered with mahogany and other slow growing trees. Halong Bay is another breath taking world accustomed site remarked by the UNESCO.  UNESCO also has enlisted the Cham islands and Phong Nha bang caves. you don’t want to read only , but also see as well.

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How to get Vietnam visa for Irish citizen

• Complete Name: Republic of Ireland
• Native Name: Ireland, Éire
• ISO-Code: IRL
• Capital: Dublin

Vietnam visa requirement for Irish citizens

As an Irish citizen, you require a Vietnam visa in order to enter Vietnam. You can apply for the Vietnam visa in two ways:

- From a Vietnam embassy/consulate

- Online to get the letter of approval

1. How to get your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam embassy/consulate as Irish citizens.

At the moment, there is no Vietnam embassy in Ireland hence Irish applicants to the Vietnam visa in have to locate the nearest Vietnam embassy form neighboring countries. Ireland applicants can also get their visas to Vietnam by the post option. Visa by post is more convenient since applicants do not have to present themselves in person at the Vietnam embassy. They however have to contact the Vietnam embassy in advance to find out if the visa by post service is available there. Secondly, visa application procedures vary across embassies and that necessitates the reason why applicants should make prior confirmation to the embassies.

Visa applicants by the direct visa application procedure have to start their visa applications at least five days in advance so they acquire their Vietnam visas on time, assuming the visa processing step procedure does not exceed five days of waiting. In preparation for the visa application procedure, you are required to present your visa application documents at the Vietnam embassy early before the due time. In other words, you have to revise your schedule should you choose to visit the Vietnam embassy in order to make your visa application, as per the direct application procedure requirements

2. Get your visa to Vietnam through online application for the letter of approval.

When you get to apply online for the letter of approval from us, you will be able to collect your visa from a Vietnam international airport as well as from a Vietnam embassy/consulate.

a) Vietnam visa from a Vietnam international airport (strictly for air travelers only)

This procedure requires you to:

- Fill in your visa application form online from our website
- Clear the service fees as directed by our instructions.
- Obtain the letter of approval from us within 48 working hours

- Present any of the international airports in Vietnam (Tan Son Nhat (SGN), Noi Bai (HAN), Da Nang (DAD), Cam Ranh (CXR), Phu Quoc (PQC), ……), with your passport, your two passport photos and your letter of approval. Finally pay the visa stamping fee so as to collect your visa right away.

b) Vietnam visa from a Vietnam embassy/consulate you choose in your application form.

Here are the requirements of this procedure:

- Fill in the visa application procedure from our website

- Pay the service fee with us and closely follow our instructions there.

- Receive the letter of approval from us by email in 48 work hours.

- Present your letter of approval, your passport and 2 of your passport photos at the Vietnam embassy you chose in your application form. Lastly, you should pay the visa stamping fee to get issued your Vietnam visa.

- Note: Conditions to get Vietnam visa:

o Your passport must be valid and must have been acquired over six months ago.
o The two passport photos you present must have been taken within six months
o Your information availed in the letter of approval must agree with that in your passport.

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Vietnam embassy in South Africa

- Complete Name: Republic of South Africa
- Native Name: South Africa, Suid-Afrika
- ISO-Code: ZAF
- Capital: Pretoria / Cape Town

Here are specific contacts to the Vietnam embassy in South Africa:

- Address: 87 Brooks Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, South Africa
- P.O. Box Hatfield 0028
- Telephone: + 27 (0) 12 362 8119
- Fax: + 27 (0) 12 362 8115
- Email: embassy@vietnam.co.za or dsqvnnamphi@yahoo.com.vn
- Website: www.vietnamembassy-southafrica.org
All South African citizens are allowed unlimited access to the Vietnam embassy during business hours. It is also reachable by telephone and via email and by presenting yourself in person there. By presenting yourself there you will be informed of the various requirements for the visa application procedures. The other alternative to successfully applying for the Vietnam visa online is by the visa by post option. With this option you will not have to present yourself in person but you first have to confirm with the embassy if the service is availed there.

Online application through our service

Visa applicants who use our online services will be issued a letter of approval. However, you first have to visit our website online and fill in the visa application form there and then complete the visa processing so you can access the two visa collection points in Vietnam, which are the Vietnam embassy/consulate and Vietnam international airport. While there you will pay the visa stamping fees and then present the following documents

- Your valid passport that you acquired more than six months ago
- Your two passport size photos taken within six months
- Your letter of approval acquired from us by email

With the letter of approval you get from us, you can collect your visa to Vietnam from the following Vietnam international airports Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai, Cam Ranh and Da Nang or from the Vietnam embassy.
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Vietnam visa requirement for Sri Lankan

    - Complete Name: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
    - Native Name: Sri Lanka
    - ISO-Code: LKA
    - Capital: Colombo / Sri Jayawardenepura
Districts : Ampara, Anuradhapura, Badulla, Batticaloa, Colombo, Galle, Gampaha, Hambantota, Jaffna, Kalutara, Kandy, Kegalle, Kilinochchi, Kurunegala, Mannar, Matale, Matara, Moneragala, Mullaitivu, Nuwara Eliya, Polonnaruwa, Puttalam, Ratnapura, Trincomalee, Vavuniya

Principal Cities : Colombo, Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Moratuwa, Negombo, Sri Jayawardenepura

Kandy, Kalmunai, Galle, Batticaloa

Cities : Ambalangoda, Ampara, Anuradhapura, Avissawella, Badulla, Batticaloa, Beruwala, Chavakachcheri, Chilaw, Colombo, Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Galle, Gampaha, Gampola, Hambantota, Ja-Ela, Jaffna, Kalmunai (incl. Sainthamarathu), Kalutara, Kandy, Kattankudy, Katunayake (Seeduwa-Katunayake), Kegalle (Kegalla), Kilinochchi, Kinniya, Kolonnawa, Kurunegala, Mannar, Matale, Matara, Moneragala, Moratuwa, Mullaitivu, Negombo, Nuwara Eliya, Panadura, Peliyagoda, Point Pedro, Polonnaruwa, Puttalam, Ratnapura, Sri Jayawardenepura (Kotte), Trincomalee, Valvettithurai, Vavuniya, Wattala-Mabola, Weligama


Vietnam visa requirement for Sri Lankan

We would wish to notify you that Sri Lanka citizen require visa to enter Vietnam.

How to get Vietnam visa in Sri Lanka?

You can find two main options for you to pick up your visa to Vietnam:

1. Get your Vietnam visa at a Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate:

You can contact the Vietnam embassy in your country during the normal business hours by the use of email, telephone or even showing up personally in the Vietnam embassy and you will be given detailed instructions about the visa procedure and the visa fee.

For your assurance, we are pleased to list for you contact information of the Vietnam embassy in Sri Lanka as follows:

Embassy of Vietnam in Srilanka

    - Chancery: No. 30/5, Ward Place, Colombo 7, Srilanka
    - Telephone: 94-11-2696050
    - Fax: 94-11-2692040
    - Email: vnemb-srilanka@mofa.gov.vn
    - Website: www.vietnamembassy-srilanka.vn
2. Apply online to obtain approval letter to:

a. Get your Vietnam visa at a Vietnam international airport( this service is for air travel only) The procedure of getting this visa is as below:

    - Fill in your application form in our website appropriately.
    - Make your payment with us according to our instructions.
    - Get your letter of approval from our email within 48 hours.
    - Bring the letter, your passport together with your two passport photos to your arrival airport in Vietnam (Cam Ranh, Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai, Da Nang), pay the stamping fee and you will be given your visa immediately.
b. Get your Vietnam visa at any embassy/ consulate you choose in your application form.

The procedure of getting the embassy visa is as illustrated below:

    - Fill your application form in our website appropriately.
    - Make your payment with us according to our instructions.
    - Get your letter of approval within from our email within 48 working hours.
    - Bring the approval letter, your passport and two passport photos to the embassy of Vietnam then pay the stamping fee and get your visa immediately.
NOTE: Conditions to get Vietnam’s visa:

    - The validity of your passport is at least six months.
    - Your passport size photos are taken within the last six months
    - The information contained in your letter of approval must be the same as that contained in your passport.

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Vietnam visa requirement for Nigerian


    - Complete Name: Federal Republic of Nigeria
    - Native Name: Nigeria
    - ISO-Code: NGA
    - Capital: Abuja
Federal States: Abia, Adamawa, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Cross River, Delta, Ebonyi, Edo, Ekiti, Enugu, Federal Capital Territory, Gombe, Imo, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Kogi, Kwara, Lagos, Nassarawa, Niger, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo, Plateau, Rivers, Sokoto, Taraba, Yobe, Zamfara

Principal Cities: Lagos, Kano, Ibadan, Kaduna, Benin City, Port Harcourt, Maiduguri, Zaria, Ilorin, Jos, Aba


Vietnam visa requirement for Nigerian

It is our pleasure to inform you that you as a Nigerian citizen you need a Vietnam visa to enter Vietnam. We also help you acquire the Vietnam visa conveniently through our services online. Below are two ways in which you can acquire a Vietnam visa as a Nigerian.

1. Get your Vietnam visa through a Vietnam embassy/consulate.

Nigerians can always contact the Vietnam embassy during business hours to get more information on what is required of them by the visa application processes. They can choose between email and telephone when contacting the Vietnam embassy. It is also OK for them to present themselves in person at the Vietnam embassy just to get more information on the visa application procedures.

Below are the contacts you can always use to contact the Vietnam embassy in Nigeria.

Embassy of Vietnam in Nigeria

    - Address: No 9 River Niger Street, Off Danube street, Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria.
    - Telephone: (234-09)8703678; (234-09)8703679
    - Hotline: +234.8.137086724
    - Email: dsqvnnigeria@yahoo.com
    - Website: www.vietnamembassy-nigeria.org
2. Online application for the letter of approval to:

a) Acquire your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam international airport

This procedure entails the following steps:

- Visit our website online to get the visa application form, fill it in and submit online

- Clear the service fees as required while following our instructions.

- Receive the letter of approval from us by email

- Present your letter of approval, your passport and two of your passport photos at the one of the four Vietnam international airports (Cam Ranh, Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai and Da Nang), and then clear the visa stamping fees to collect your visa right away.

b) Acquire your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam embassy/consulate of your choice in the application form.

This procedure entails the following steps:

- Visit our website and fill in the visa application form while following our instructions

- Clear the service fees and follow our instructions correctly.

- Get the letter of approval from us by email within 48 work hours.

- Present your letter of approval, your 2 most recent passport photos and your passport document at the Vietnam embassy you chose in your application form. Finally pay the visa stamping fees to get issued your visa.

Note: Conditions to get Vietnam visa:

    - You must have a valid passport that you acquired more than six months ago
    - You must present two passport photos taken within six months.
    - Your information in your letter of approval must relate to that in your passport.
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Vietnam embassy in Syria

    - Complete Name: Syrian Arab Republic
    - Native Name: Sūriyā
    - ISO-Code: SYR
    - Capital: Dimashq
Sorry, there is no Vietnam embassy or consulate in Syrian Arab Republic

Vietnam visa application procedure for Syrian citizens

As a citizen of Syria, you need to apply for a Vietnam visa in order to enter Vietnam.  You can apply for the Vietnam visa in Syria in any the following procedures listed below:

i. By direct application to the Vietnam embassy

ii. By online visa application procedure

Direct application to the Vietnam embassy

Applicants to the Vietnam embassy in Syria can directly apply for their Vietnam visas by contacting the nearest Vietnam embassies since Syria does not have one. They can choose between the telephone and email conversation as communication means to contact any Vietnam embassy they prefer. The first step is of collecting information where applicants seek directions on how to apply for the Vietnam visa as well as more about the associated payments. During then one will decide on whether to show up in person at the Vietnam embassy or use the visa by post service. However, the visa by post service is not offered in all embassies hence visa applicants must first contact the respective embassies to confirm the status.

Online application procedure

With our online services at our website applicants are required to first obtain their valid passports at least six months earlier before the actual day of making an application. They are also required to take two passport photos or present ones that were taken within the last six months with a clear view of their faces.

With these two documents, qualified visa applicants can proceed with the following steps to get their Vietnam visas:

    - They should visit our website online and fill in the visa application form found there.
    - They should pay the visa stamping fees and follow our instructions carefully.
    - They should wait for the letter of approval, which we will send you by email in about 48working hours.
Use your letter of approval to acquire the Vietnam visa

    - Visa applicants should present their letter of approval at the Vietnam international airport or at the Vietnam embassy they chose in the visa application form. Other documents that will be needed are two passport photos and their valid passport.
    - You finally have to pay the visa stamping fee right there as you collect your visa.

The three international airports in Vietnam where only air travel visa applicants can acquire their Vietnam visas are: Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai, Cam Ranh and Da Nang. 

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How to get Vietnam visa for a Latvian


• Complete Name: Republic of Latvia

• Native Name: Latvija

• ISO-Code: LVA

• Capital: Rīga

As a Latvian, you need a Vietnam visa in order to enter Vietnam. For this reason, we avail our services to Latvian citizens to help them acquire the Vietnam visas through us. We give you a inform you on what the Vietnam visa application process entails as well as availing ourselves as an agent to help you acquire your Vietnam visa in the most convenient way within our ability.

Firstly, we would like you to know that there are two ways to acquiring your visa. One way is from the Vietnam embassy/consulate. The other way to acquiring your visa is through the approval letter you get from us. Here is more information on each of these procedures:

1. Vietnam visa from a Vietnam embassy/consulate

At the moment there is no Vietnam embassy/consulate in Latvia, hence applicants to the Vietnam visa from this country will have to search for these embassies from nearby countries. Alternatively, they may as well acquire their visa through the other more convenient way, which is the visa by post option. This option does not require them to present themselves in person at the embassy. However, one has to first confirm with the embassy that the services are availed there. Secondly, visa procedures vary from one embassy to the other, which makes it necessary to confirm the services.

2. Vietnam visa by applying online for an approval letter from us.

Online application for the Vietnam visa involves an approval letter, which allows you to obtain a visa to Vietnam from a Vietnam international airport or from a Vietnam embassy/consulate.

a) Vietnam visa from a Vietnam international airport (this service is exclusively for air travelers)

This procedure entails the following steps:

- Fill in your application form found at our website.

- Clear the visa application payment with us and follow our instructions (service fees)

- Receive and print your approval letter that we send you in 48 business hours from your time of application.

- Present your letter of approval, your two passport-size photos and your passport document at any of the three Vietnam international airports (Tan Son Nhat (SGN), Noi Bai (HAN), Da Nang (DAD), Cam Ranh (CXR), Phu Quoc (PQC), …..), and finally pay the visa stamping fees to get issued a Vietnam visa.

b) Vietnam visa at a Vietnam embassy/consulate

This procedure entails the following steps

- Visit our website and locate the visa application form which you are required to fill in completely.

- Make the required payments with us as per our instructions

- Receive the approval letter from us by email in approximately 48 hours from the time of your application.

- Present the letter of approval, your passport and two of your most recent passport photos at the Vietnam embassy and then pay your stamping fees and walkout with your Vietnam visa at that very moment.

Note: Conditions to get Vietnam visa:

o You must have a valid passport and one that you have used for more than six months.

o The two passport photos you present must have been taken in less than six months

o Your passport information must relate to that in your approval letter.

Benefits of the online application procedure for the Vietnam visa:

- By applying for the Vietnam visa online through our website, you get to spare your time by not having to travel to the Vietnam embassy in person to make your visa application from there.

- You save your money that could otherwise be spent on travelling to the Vietnam embassy in person.

- Most importantly, you get to save your effort and concentrate more on your core business as your visa is being processed at a slight service fee paid online.

- You can confidently say that the Vietnam visa on arrival service applied for online is very convenient and time saving in that you will not have to worry about your time or costs of acquiring your Vietnam visa when planning to visit Vietnam on your first time.
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Vietnam visa requirement for Falkland Islander


    - Native Name: Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
    - ISO-Code: FLK
    - Dependent from: Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    - Capital: Stanley
Islands : East Falkland, West Falkland,  Outlying Islands

Settlements : Goose Green, Mount Pleasant, Port Howard, Stanley


Vietnam visa requirement for Falkland Islander

If you are Falkland Island citizen wishing to visit Vietnam, we are here to inform you that you require a Vietnam visa.

How to get Vietnam visa in Falkland Islands?

There are 2 ways to obtaining your visa to Vietnam in Falkland Islands, which are well explained below.

1.Get your Vietnam visa at a Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate:

Since there is no Vietnam embassy or consulate in Falkland Island, applicants to the Vietnam embassy from this region will have to find the nearest Vietnam embassy from surrounding countries to contact.

For those applicants who feel so unconvinced by having to physically present themselves to a Vietnam embassy, they can opt for visa by post way of application which is also recommended. In this case however, they will have to consult the target embassy to find out if it offers this second option since visa application procedures vary across embassies.

2.Apply online to obtain an approval letter to:

a. Get your Vietnam visa at a Vietnam international airport (this service is for air travel only).

The procedure of getting this visa is as follow:

- Fill in your application form online at our website.

- Applicants are required to visit our website and fill in the application form provided there.

- Complete the required payments as explained in our instructions stated on our website (service fees)

- Make payment with us as per our instructions (service fee).

- Get your approval letter from our email within 48 working hours.

- Obtain an approval letter from us by email delivery in not more than 48 hours since their successful application.

- Present the letter of approval, their passports and their 2 passport-sized photos as the basic requirements on their arrival in any of the three Vietnam airports (Tan Son Nhat in Ho Chi Minh city, Noi Bai in Hanoi City, Cam Ranh in Nha Trang city and Da Nang in Da Nang city). By the end of it all, they will have to pay the visa stamping fee so they can be presented with their visa to Vietnam.

b. Get your Vietnam visa at any Vietnam embassy/consulate you chose in your application form.

The procedure of getting embassy visa is as below:

- Complete the visa application form that is provided at our website.

- Make the visa application payment as well explained in our instructions.

- Get the approval letter sent to their email by us in not more than 48 hours from the time they submit their visa application form.

- Present their approval letter, their 2 passport sized-photos and their travel passport document while paying the stamping fee to get their visas.

Note: Conditions to get Vietnam visa:

    - Your passport is valid for at least six months.
    - A valid passport that has been in use for more than six months.
    - Two passport-sized photos not any older than 6 months.
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Vietnam embassy in Congo (Rep.)

    - Complete Name: Republic of the Congo
    - Native Name: Congo
    - ISO-Code: COG
    - Capital: Brazzaville
There is no embassy or consulate of Vietnam in Republic of the Congo at this moment. Would you please email us if you have any information to update.

Congo citizens need a Vietnam visa for them to access Vietnam. As such, they can choose between two of the following application procedures to successfully apply and acquire their Vietnam visas:

    - Direct application to the Vietnam embassy
    - Make online application for the Vietnam visa through our website.
1. How to make a direct application to the Vietnam embassy

Applicants to the Vietnam embassy from the republic of Congo have to find the nearest surrounding countries that have a Vietnam embassy since their country currently does not have one.  Applicants can choose to communicate with these embassies by telephone or email conversations to find out more about the visa application procedures from them. The other way is by presenting themselves in person at these embassies to make inquires as well as actual applications.

Alternatively, applicants can use the visa by post service, since it is convenient in the sense that they do not have to make personal visits there and they will still apply and acquire their visas. This method is recommended to all applicants but they first have to make a confirmation with the embassies on whether the service is available there, since visa application procedures vary in all embassies. You can find more information by contacting the respective embassies.

2. Online application for the Vietnam visa

When applying for the Vietnam visa online, applicants have to fill in the visa application form available at our website and make payment with us for the service fees as per our instructions. We will then serve them with a letter of approval by email in 48 hours from the time of their application.

The letter of approval is a green light that gives them a go ahead so they can complete the remaining procedure for acquiring their Vietnam visas. The second step entails checking their information as well as the required documents from them:

    - They should have a valid passport acquired more than six months ago.
    - They should have two passport photos taken most recently.
    - Their information in the letter of approval should be consistent with that in their passport.
Finally, applicants will provide their passports and passport photos as they collect their visas from any of the following points as they pay the visa stamping fees:

    - Vietnam international airports
    - Vietnam embassy

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How to get Vietnam visa for Channel Islander


• Complete Name: Bailiwick of Jersey
• Native Name: Jersey
• ISO-Code: JEY
• Dependent from: Great Britain and Northern Ireland
• Capital: St. Helier

How to get Vietnam visa for Channel Islander

Are you from Jersey and are planning to visit Vietnam in the near future? Well, we intend to inform you about all that is needed for you to qualify entry into Vietnam and help you acquire your visa to this country.

There are two ways you can acquire your Vietnam visa. It can be via a Vietnam embassy/Vietnam consulate or via the web.

1. How to get your Vietnam visa via a Vietnam embassy or Vietnam consulate.

At the moment, there is no Vietnam embassy or consulate in Jersey. This leaves applicants from this country with an alternative option, which is to apply for the same via a Vietnam embassy from a neighboring country.

Secondly, one can still acquire the Vietnam visa from a Vietnam embassy without presenting themselves in person. This is possible through the visa by post option. However, applicants who choose this plan will have to consult the Vietnam embassy in advance to find out if the service is offered there since the application procedures vary across embassies.

2. How to apply online for an approval letter to the Vietnam visa.

With the online way of visa application, one can collect their visa at a Vietnam international airport or at a Vietnam embassy/consulate.

a) How to acquire your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam international airport (Only applicable with air travelers)

In this procedure you are required to:

- Visit our website to fill in the Vietnam visa application form provided ove
- Make payment with us as directed by our instructions

- Receive your approval letter from us via email in 48 working hours

- Produce your letter of approval, your passport and your 2 passport-size photos on your arrival at any of the international airports in Vietnam (Tan Son Nhat (SGN), Noi Bai (HAN), Da Nang (DAD), Cam Ranh (CXR), Phu Quoc (PQC), ……) and after paying your visa stamping fee, you will be granted your visa instantly there.

b) How to acquire your visa to Vietnam from a Vietnam embassy or Vietnam consulate.

In this procedure, you are required to:

- Visit our website and fill in the application form with all your details as required.

- Make payments while complying with our instructions

- Obtain your approval letter from us by email within 48 working hours.

- Present your approval letter, your passport and 2 of your most recent passport-sized photos at a Vietnam embassy. You will then have to pay a visa stamping fee and get granted your visa right there.

- Note: Conditions to get Vietnam visa:

o You must have a valid passport that was acquired not less than six months back.

o The two passport sized photos you present must not be any older than 6 months

o The information in your approval letter must coincide with that in your passport as from the validation checks performed before you finally get served with your Vietnam visa.
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Obtaining a visa to Vietnam is currently easy in just one day

[Phu Quoc, 17 Sep 2014] – Visa to Vietnam Organization has recently proclaimed that they can organize for a visa to Vietnam simply within one day. Candidates can fill their forms to appeal for precise visa dispensation. This is perfect for those who require visiting Vietnam for an alternative tour. This service is obtainable 24/7 regardless of the reality that it is a weekend or even a known holiday.

“Emergency handling is lately done just through email and not on phone. Obtaining a visa to Vietnam is a costly and complicated protocol, and therefore, it is very vital that we absorb your application accurately. Requesting info via an email makes ideas clear,” utters the representative at Visa Vietnam Org.

Also direct visa facility, they similarly concentrate in offering electronic-visa. All that the candidate is needed to do is to fill in an internet form, fee for an equal via their G2S pay-gate and obtain their acceptance letter within 48 working hours. They can finally obtain their visa stamped at the ‘Arrival Visa’ counter at the airport.

“You should not worry concerning providing your information being abused. The website is fully secured and there is completely no possibility of your data being cooperated,” enhances the representative.

At the wind-up of the procedure, candidates are needed to fee a facility payment and a stamp charge. The payments are flexible and basically vary on the size of group. For example, a bigger set of 10 or extra people will need to pay less. “We are aware of the regulations and culture of Vietnam and know the laws that regulate the procedure. With above 10 years of familiarity in the Vietnam immigration plant, we are in a better place to assist you with your visa troubles,” appends the representative.

Acknowledgments to Vietnam starting up its economy, there are sufficient chances for persons exploring to do business within the nation. People do not nowadays wait for times on end to obtain their visa. They can currently obtain instant visas via pre-approved letters with instructions that can be chosen at the arrival to the international airports. Visa Vietnam Organization utilizes this method to assist candidates get into Vietnam.

About applying visa to Vietnam online : The Firm has beyond 10 years of understanding in organizing visas for those calling on Vietnam. These visas can be organized via pre- permitted letters that can be chosen up at all international airports comprising Tan Son Nhat International airport on Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) city, Noi Bai international airport in Hanoi City, and Danang international airport in Danang city.
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Vietnam evisa – Reaching Vietnam was never so simple!

Vietnam evisa – Reaching Vietnam was never so simple!

Throughout petite notifications and disasters, we demand to tour to overseas on individual or commercial program. Though, at occasions you do not have sufficient time in hand to finish the certification and other procedures. But the suitable update is that you can arrive at Vietnam at an extremely brief notification. Vietnam evisa is an exclusive facility that provides you whole liberty from form-filling at the Embassy, as it must be then. The entire perception is focused onrapid record with negligible dispensation. You can weigh on this technique even for the greatest short- perceived and urgent journey strategies.

Under this accelerated facility, you obtain exceptional visa with a brand latest idea. All you require is not many minutes and a prime -time of 24 to 48 hours before you depart from your nation and embark the airplane for Vietnam. This procedure starts with internet request where you require filling in the particulars and qualifications. When you make the disbursement of the facility rates, you obtain a pre- endorsement letter from immigration powers of Vietnam. Normally, you ought to obtain this letter within range 24 to 48 hours because you make the disbursement.

Characteristically, you require your visa stamped on your passport from the Embassy before you embark the airplane for Vietnam. In this sequence, you require to call on the Embassy for a number of times, surrender your passport, and obtain it stamped afterward a week’s time. The whole procedure requires interval of 10 to 15 days. Consequently, it suits an outdated method if you require to journey in hasteand charges you more money then. The Vietnam evisa issued online removes all these dangerous processes and provides a seamless, smooth, and efficient procedure assisted by outstanding client service. This online technique has its own merits; however, you need to be sure to follow it precisely as directed.

Otherwise, you may land in trouble when you arrive at the Vietnamese International Airport. The consequences of ignorance are devastating and you may even be deported forcibly from Vietnam.

The whole procedure of internet visa is intended to provide acharming entrance to Vietnam. The internet papers of assigning of info require being precise. You can similarly choose numerous standards like type of tourism whether it is a traveller or commercial visa, period of the vacation, and the position of entrance in Vietnam. Though, you ought to note that this accelerated on net visa endorsement technique is simply obtainable if you journey by air.

If you organize for one substitute ways of journeying, for example by road or by train, you require to contact the Embassy and obtain your visa in the traditional method. Thus, become ready to reach Vietnam in the greatest protected way with the accurate set of papers at a very petite notification. In fact, online immigration authorities also provision a premium rash visa when you need to travel within a few hours of notice. There are some additional charges for this super-expedited service; however, it is worth it as it saves you from missing your commitments.
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Vietnam embassy in Brunei

- Complete Name: State of Brunei
- Native Name: Brunei
- ISO-Code: BRN
- Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan
- Complete Name: State of Brunei
- Native Name: Brunei
- ISO-Code: BRN
- Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan

Embassy of Vietnam in Brunei

- Address: No 9,Spg 148-3 jalanTelanai BA 2312,BSB (Bandar Seri Begawan), Brunei
- Telephone: 2651580
- Ambassador: 2651586
- Code: 00-673
- Fax: 2651574
- Email: vnembassy@yahoo.com
- Website: www.vietnamembassy-brunei.org
Brunei citizens who not need visa to visit Vietnam if stay less than 15 days and will need to acquire their Vietnam visas if stay in Vietnam longer than 15 days. There are currently two ways explained here by which they can acquire their Vietnam visas. One way is by them making a direct visa application to the Vietnam embassy in Brunei and the other way is by applying online through our service. Read more about each of these two ways below:

1. Direct visa application procedure to the Vietnam embassy by Brunei citizens.

Brunei citizens can always contact the Vietnam embassy in their country anytime during working hours to find out more information about what visa application procedure entails. They can choose between presenting themselves in person at the embassy or by making phone calls or even by email messages. It is at the embassy that they will be informed and guided on how they can apply for their Vietnam visas along with the required documents and necessary payments.

On the other hand, Vietnam visa applicants do not have to present themselves in person so they can acquire their visas to Vietnam. The visa by post service allows them to apply and acquire their visas even when they are far away from the Vietnam embassy. However, applicants who choose this way must first confirm with the Vietnam embassy to be sure that the service is available since application procedures vary across embassies.

For more information about the Vietnam embassy, here is contact information shared to make your efforts to reach the appropriate staff much easier.

2. Online application for the Vietnam visa through our service

Brunei citizens who wish to apply for the Vietnam visas can use our services by making their application through our website online. All they have to do is visit our website and fill in the visa application form and clear the service fees with us. We will provide them with the letter of approval, which they will use to acquire their visas from the Vietnam embassy or any of the Vietnam international airports.

With the online application for the Vietnam visa, applicants will need to provide their valid passports, two passport photos of theirs and their letters of approval which usually is sent to their emails by us within 48 hours.
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Vietnam embassy in Bangladesh

    - Complete Name: People’s Republic of Bangladesh
    - Native Name: Bangladesh
    - ISO-Code: BGD
    - Capital: Dhaka [Dacca]
Are you looking for address of Embassy of Vietnam in Dhaka, Bangladesh ? please see below for your information :

- Address: Vintage Building, Plot 07, Road 104, Gulshan-2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.

- Tel : (80-02) 885 4051 or 885 4052
- Fax : (80-02) 885 4051

- Email : vietnam@citech-bd.com

- Website : www.vietnamembassy-bangladesh.org
- Working days & Office hrs.: Sunday – Thursday: 09:00 – 17:00

- Visa Section :

    - Visa submission: 09:00 – 11:30
    - Visa collection: 15:00 – 16:00
- Weekly holiday: Friday & Saturday

Vietnam visa application guide for Bangladesh citizens

1. Direct application to the Vietnam visa

Bangladeshi citizens can always access the Vietnam embassy in their country to make a visa application for the Vietnam visa. During business hours the Vietnam embassy in Bangladesh is open for all persons plus it can be reached via telephone, via email and by presenting yourself in person there. You will be given information on what is required plus the various application and processing fees to pay as required by the procedures. The other way to making a successful visa application to the Vietnam embassy is the visa by post service. With this option you will not have to present yourself in person but you first have to confirm with the embassy if the service is availed there. The need to confirm with the Vietnam embassy is as a result of the varying visa application procedures across embassies.

2. Online application through our service

When you get to apply for the Vietnam visa through our service, we will provide you with the letter of approval. However, you first have to complete two steps – visit our website and fill in the visa application form then complete the visa processing fees and then you can access the two visa collection points in Vietnam, which are the Vietnam international airports and Vietnam embassy/consulate. While there you will pay the visa stamping fees and then present the following documents

- Your valid passport that you acquired more than six months ago

- Your two passport size photos taken within six months

- Your letter of approval acquired from us by email

With our letter of approval, you can collect your visa to Vietnam from the Vietnam international airports in Vietnam (Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai, Cam Ranh and Da Nang) or from the Vietnam embassy. This way we make your work of applying for the Vietnam visa much simpler as you start it from the computer. 
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Vietnam embassy in Ireland

    - Complete Name: Republic of Ireland
    - Native Name: Ireland, Éire
    - ISO-Code: IRL
    - Capital: Dublin
Sorry, we did not found information of Vietnam embassy in Republic of Ireland.

As a legal requirement, Ireland citizens need to acquire a Vietnam visa in order for them to tour the inside of Vietnam. Of all the visa application procedures, online application is the simplest. It only requires applicants’ valid passports and two copies of their passport photos. With these two documents one is set to start their applications right away.

The first step is to visit our website online and find the visa application form there. As a requirement, applicants are supposed to fill it in with valid details required of them. At the same website, visa processing payments are made and according to the set instructions. In less than 48 working hours all successful applications through our website will be replied to with a letter of approval and applicants will get these letters by email. You are the required to print the letter of approval into a hardcopy so it can be presented among other documents at the visa collection points.

Upon collecting your visa, the letter of approval is to be presented at any of the three international airports in Vietnam or at the Vietnam embassy/consulate you chose in your application form. Other documents to be presented with your letter of approval include your two passport photos and your passport document. You then have to pay the visa stamping fees and wait for your Vietnam visa to be granted to you right there.

Conditions of applying for the Vietnam visa online

The two passport photos you present must be among your most recent ones that you have taken in the last six months.

You must have a valid passport that was acquired more than six months ago.

Only air travel citizens can acquire their Vietnam visas at any of the three Vietnam international airports namely; Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai, Cam Ranh and Da Nang upon their arrival there. The rest of applicants should collect their Vietnam visas from the Vietnam embassy they specified in their visa application forms online.

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